Thursday, November 5, 2009

I forgot to remember...

to be thankful for my kids! In all the chaos that my days are filled with lately, I have lost sight of how truly blessed I am! Seriously, it's like supernanny times 10 aroundhere at our zoo/circus! I haven't been able to blog until now for fear that I would go off on a complaining tangent. Pregnancy has been anything but enjoyable. I am in awe of a lady whose blog I just read. She found out at around 10 weeks pregnant that her baby was gonna die. The doctors thought she'd miscarry, but she ended up going to 35 weeks. The baby boy lived for about an hour and 40 minutes. She had a birth announcement picture and video from a memorial service. She sounded totally at peace. I was crying my eyes out and I don't even know her. That story and a blog I read about stopping yelling at my kids have been a wake-up call for me tonight! I often find myself resenting my kids because they require so much training, correction, discipline, energy, etc. But HELLO! That's what being a parent is all about! Please pray for me! And especially for that family who just lost their baby, the Perkins family.


Marc and Keri Ladouceur said...

I love you Shelly! I know all of your consitency in raising your children will produce much fruit on theirs and your lives. You are a wonderful mommy!

Jayce said...

You are an amazing mommy, and I love you so much!

Smith Schoolhouse said...

hang in there! I just noticed that today you only have 52 days to go!!! that just a little over a month! That's a LONG way from the 280 something that you started with!God has entrusted some precious lives into your care and he doesn't make mistakes. He knows you are the best thing for them with His help of course! I love you and I am proud of you...keep up the good work!