Friday, August 14, 2009

My biggest baby...

lost her first tooth on Wednesday! We realized it was loose just 1 week before that. She is still glowing! And she seems older now. Crazy!


Tiffany said...

Joe is going to be so jealous. He regularly asks me to check his teeth to see if he has any loose ones. So far they are firmly in his mouth.

Unknown said...

Lydia is so cute as a snaggle-tooth! It's still hard to believe she was able to pull her own tooth. She's so brave! Reminds me of her Mama at her age.

Smith Schoolhouse said...

Just seeing that picture of her and wanting her to show me that smile in person makes me really miss her! Please tell her and all of them that Aunt Rissy said Hi and I love them- including the bun in the oven!

Ray said...

oh wow! Yay you got one of those baby ticker things.I love those!

Jayce said...

Aw, yay! She does look older. I miss you guys! I am hoping to come one day next week!

Smith Schoolhouse said...

she looks so much like Jon in these pictures!!!