Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm a new believer...

in Shout stain spray! A sweet friend of mine, who feels sorry for me because I'm feeling too sick to get on the whole couponing bandwagon, picked up a bottle of it for me(for free w/ a coupon!) last week. For some reason I've never thought that stuff actually worked, but Nate busted his lip yesterday(for the 2nd day in a row!) and bled all over my children's ministry shirt. I quickly changed it, sprayed it, and let it sit over night. When I took it out of the washer just now, there was no sign of any blood! Woo Hoo! That makes me happy!


Jayce said...

You are too funny! :)

christian gal said...

wow i remember when i stayed with u i used shout a few times myself...........i love that stuff.

christian gal said...

I am in the newspaper u should go and buy an orlando sentinel Varsity sports im in there for Eastridge i am so happy

Smith Schoolhouse said...

i will be keeping that in mind as I begin teaching art tomorrow at co-op and we will be painting almost every week!!!

Smith Schoolhouse said...

OK- I'm a believer too- it has now gotten out grass & blood for me!